Saturday, October 3, 2015

Aber week 2


The first week of classes are over! Now only 10 more to go! The classes I am in will be pretty good I think. I am in 3 classes that revolve around agriculture and the environment and one class that is titled agriculture technology. There will not be much homework because most of the grade in the classes come from the final and maybe a final paper. Wednesdays I have off, so this week, I went down to the town and walked around. I walked along the water and then down onto the beach (the water was very very cold), and walked through the castle and past a WWII memorial. The memorial had the names of every soldier that lost their life during the war that was from Aberystwyth. The castle is right next to the memorial. There is not much left of the castle but it was still very neat to walk through. Today, I tried to go golfing, but when I got to the golf course there was no one in the pro shop. It was on the honor system today apparently, so I did not get to go. Instead, I went into town again and just kind of walked around and in and out of different stores. Turned out to be a decent day.

That is all for now.

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